The International Academic Teacher Training Course for Health Professions (ATTC) 2021 from February 13th to 26th - ONLINE, is carried out by the Center for International Health CIHLMU and the Institute for Medical Education (DAM).
The course is designed to bring together academic staff with an interest in improving their skills as educators, and medical educators planning innovations in the field of medical education.
Here you can find information and materials for the course and the notes to the individual tasks.
- KursmanagerIn (erweitert): AG Evaluation und Lehrqualifikation
- KursmanagerIn (erweitert): Johanna Huber
- KursmanagerIn (erweitert): Marie-Catherine Alice Gabriele Rausch
- KursmanagerIn (erweitert): Ursula Stadlberger
- DozentIn mit Editierechten: Tsedeke Alemu
- DozentIn mit Editierechten: Matthias Siebeck
- DozentIn / Sekretariat: Maria Burian
- DozentIn / Sekretariat: Martin Fischer
- DozentIn / Sekretariat: Orsolya Genzel-Boroviczeny
- DozentIn / Sekretariat: Fabian Jacobs